Date: Wednesday, 6 October 1999, at 5:27 p.m.
Hi All,
I know you have been waiting a few weeks to hear from Looking Glass on our support plans for Flight Unlimited III. I appreciate you patience, and we are now ready to update you on our plans.
We have been carefully reading your postings and collecting feedback on the problems people have been encountering. Moreover, we have been working on a patch for Flight Unlimited III. This patch should help solve some of the reported problems, including help with the frame rates.
So as not to set too high an expectation, understand that the improvement in frame rates may be modest for most people. While we wish there was a panacea that would provide fast frame rates for everyone across all detail settings, this does not appear possible at this time. Flight Unlimited III is a complicated software program, and between the detail of the scenery, the complexity of the AIs, and the weather modeling, it simply requires a top end PC to maintain faster frame rates at high detail settings. Our hope is to improve the frame rate enough to satisfy most of our customers.
Our plan is to finish up the patch, thoroughly test it, and then release it by the forth week of October. We will be releasing information on the specific fixes addressed in the patch next week. Thank you again for your patience on this. We value our customers, and intend to continue to support Flight Unlimited III.
Producer, Looking Glass