Welcome to the homepage of Manchester, U.K. band SHUSH
Shush make much of thier music freely available over the web. The internet will hopefully shake up a stagnating music industry by giving unsigned acts a chance to get heard while the overhyped, overpaid, undertalented creations of the establishment a kick in the arse. To find out how read Brad Kava's article 'Music industry facing a revolution'
All music copyright of Shush (2000)Ian’s a member of
Space Hopper (site includes news, info, mp3s and links)The Poetry of Carole Smart - Carole is a published poet and has her own site.
Ians top ten progrock - ten favorite progressive rock albums that you could probably buy together from a second hand record store for the price of a Steps C.D.
will do soon... Carole's top ten sixties diva's - e.g. Sandy Shaw, Dusty Springfield, Nico, Cilla Black, Marianne Faithfull, etc.
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